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Garden's Gate Restaurant

Comfort, style, serviceā€ is on offer at The Garden's Gate, a flower-bedecked farmhouse-cum-restaurant, featuring food that is healthy, natural, and even a little unusual, like broccoli and anise soup, lamb chops with pine nuts, and turtle cheesecake.

We are licensed, so come and enjoy a micro-brew or a glass of wine.


Garden's Gate Restaurant


The Garden's Gate is located about 30 minutes inland from Little Current and 15 minutes from the Ferry Terminal in South Baymouth.

The name of the restaurant is apt. You go through a gate leading to a pretty garden, beyond which you'll find the restaurant, sleeping among green fields with an old barn and a split-rail fence in the middle distance.

Rosemarie and John Diebolt
Highway 542, Tehkummah
Ontario , P0P 2C0

Phone (705) 859 -2088

Toll free: 1-888-959-2088

Garden's Gate Restaurant


Naturally fresh, naturally good!