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Group of Seven Painters

In 1934 Joachim Gauthier took this famous photograph of Franklin Carmichael painting at Grace Lake while the two artists were on one of their many painting expeditions.   Carmichael, a member of the Group of 7, is seated on a white quartzite rock of which the La Cloche Mountains are made of.    

Joachim Gauthier

This rock, part of Canada's art history, sat undisturbed for 70 years until someone pushed the 200 pound seat over a cliff. While visiting the site in 2005 art historians Jim & Sue Waddington discovered the rock had been moved. A year later Jim & Sue returned to the site with Jon & Kerry Butler and they were able to locate the missing rock on a ledge down the side of the cliff. They decided it had to go back.

Photographs courtesy of Kerry & Jon Butler

On July 19, 2007 a group of eight got together armed with rope, block and tackle, Wood's packs and lots of determination. Jim & Sue Waddington, Jon & Kerry Butler, Tom Kelley, Jill Campbell, Tom Bodine & Stephen O'Neill dodged a thunderstorm and headed to Grace Lake to resurrect Franklin Carmichael's Rock and as they say "the rest is history".